All the videos in this blog are High Definition Videos most with Audio. The videos are best watched in full screen with "HD option enabled". You would also find screenshots and some handy scripts for DBAs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Introduction to Shell Scripting

In these videos I would be covering the basics of shell scripting.
The videos are split into 3 parts, Here is the 1st video

The topics covered in this tutorial are:

1. A simple hello world.
2. A script to add two numbers
3. A script to add two numbers passed as command line parameters.
4. Understanding the Exit status $?
5. Demonstrating through practical example: Check if a listener is up. If it is not then display a message that the listener is down.
6. Executing sql queries from shell script- In the example we check if the database is up or not.
7. Using cut, awk to find specific fields in an output.
8. How to read contents of a file line by line and evaluating each line for a specific string.
9. Using this for finding mountpoints above 90% used.
10. Sending attachments through emails.


  1. Good job Ritesh!!!

    Thanks for sharing this with us..

  2. what about other ways of repair table in sql server, you may take a closer look at this application, for example
